One last time.

Five years ago, I set myself a challenge. I saw an image by Darren Heath that got me sweaty. It was almost like love at first sight, you know the feeling; when something grabs your attention so hard that you are instantly smitten. You can’t explain why, but you see it as a summit you…

Opportunity Knocks.

Accreditation is the nemesis of any motorsport photographer keen to further theirself. I’ve been lucky over the past year to have experienced accreditation at a few events, although nothing too major. All have been fine experiences at which I like to think I have achieved a level of photographic result.  Personally, I don’t see accreditation…

A Classic Reprieve.

In the aftermath of my last blog, I was left basking in a basket of compliments. I was pretty stoked with that.  The images I took at the British Grand Prix were the first gallery I’ve ever presented that I’ve actually felt confident in. I was so pleased with the way they came out, especially…

Prove Yourself.

To take my camera to the Grand Prix or not? That was the question I asked myself, Thursday morning before the first of four straight trips up to Silverstone for the British Grand Prix weekend. It was the Grand Prix. A banquet of creative opportunity where my nemesis of inspiration would be adorned with colour,…

Local Endurance.

A little tardy for this one as it’s been a busy week. A week or so ago, one of the worlds more famous motor racing events was going off round at a little track in the middle of France, packed full of superstars, world champions and enough glitz and glamour and fuss than you could…

And the beat goes on…

Again…I got roasted at the British GT on Sunday. Silverstone provided a day of exquisite sunshine, following a typical dreary morning. Of course, I went out with no sunscreen and a hoody, expecting a luke warm and blowy day that is usually the norm. But I got it wrong. Those of you who happen to…

Tasting Whitebread.

Blazing Sunday afternoons, you’ve got no worries! Alright, I can’t quite get the Small Faces lyrics to fit in, but I gave it a go! Sunday at Silverstone was a ripper as far as the weather was concerned. Possibly the best day I’ve had there, ever. Shorts, tee-shirt, rocking the shades , not a cloud…

But is it Art?

Cars parked amongst the tools and tents of a temporary paddock are not photogenic. No sir. No matter how hard the sun shines, milking those morsels of creativity in a ramshackle village of mechanics, buffet lunches and camper vans is a hard task. Once you’ve shot one nose of a racer poking out in to…

The Challenge of One.

I took a trip up to Silverstone for the first time this year, to catch the Vintage Sports Car Club meet that was going down over the splendid last weekend. Yes, I returned to the airfield, even thought I had said I would spend less time there this year. There’s good reason behind it. As…

Driver Focused.

This season has started slowly, which feels odd, considering how many events I appear to have listed in my calendar. As I spoke about in the last blog, I’m keen to seek out new subjects and different locations, to save myself from too much repetition. It’s not that I don’t enjoy the photography, I am…

A Risk to Life.

I’ve been a bit flummoxed as to what to write for this blog, I’ll admit. The snow, 76mm, and a few interesting conversations of a photographical nature have all be at the fore of my mind, but none have inspired the usual cacophony of words to plop from my brain into the keys. Part of…

Pulling Wool.

Here we go. The first tread into my third year snapping images of the fast car variety and a trip up to ‘Europe’s #1 historic motorsport show’. I saw a few images from last season efforts and it looked good; rally cars, a few classics and an interesting backdrop of leaves, green and hay bales.…