As good as a Rest.

I had great plans at the start of the year for getting back on the photographic merry-go-round, beginning a new project and regaining a fresh enthusiasm for my imagery, but unfortunatley that hasn’t happened. Like many, this year has been a bit uncertain and because of that, the more exciting things have been put on…

Local Endurance.

A little tardy for this one as it’s been a busy week. A week or so ago, one of the worlds more famous motor racing events was going off round at a little track in the middle of France, packed full of superstars, world champions and enough glitz and glamour and fuss than you could…

But is it Art?

Cars parked amongst the tools and tents of a temporary paddock are not photogenic. No sir. No matter how hard the sun shines, milking those morsels of creativity in a ramshackle village of mechanics, buffet lunches and camper vans is a hard task. Once you’ve shot one nose of a racer poking out in to…

10,000 Frames.

At this time of year, the events start to thin out a little, and the opportunities for the adventurous motorsport photographer become a little sparse. I’ve noticed this quite a bit this year, as my usual routine of an-event-each-weekend has dropped off to one every fortnight, or even longer. In the meantime, I try and…